I know it has been 4 months since I have written anything. I kept telling myself to do something but never did a thing. So, I thought I'd recap our summer. It was great and the boys had a lot of fun. There really wasn't much down time. That can be good and bad.
In June Shane and I celebrated our 10th wedding anniversary with a weekend in Fort Worth. We keep saying we are going on a trip but that hasn't happened yet. Maybe next June! We had two weddings and a trip to Great Wolf Lodge.
Mixed in June was Corbin going to Scout camp and Carson and Cannon had swim lessons for 2 weeks. We were busy but it was all fun.
July seem to fly by. Each week was something new. We spent the 4th at the lake with family. The next week Corbin went to RA camp with the boys from church and I prepared for Vacation Bible School. Then it was the week of VBS!! I love it. What a great time we had with all the kids and workers. We finished up July with a family vacation to Red River, New Mexico. The boys loved it. We hiked, rode the ski lift, hiked, played in the cold water, hiked, went driving up in the mountains in a rough looking truck that shook my insides and did I mentioned we hiked? It was a blast!!
Cannon is pretending to be a bear in the last one!
So, August was full of little trips. The boys and I went to Oklahoma to visit friends and family for a few days. Then I went on a girls trip to Austin with my "old" friends from Gainesville. It was the best! We tell each other that we have to stay friends because we know too much about the other. We had a massage, was lazy at the pool and laughed until way too early in the morning! Corbin started Pee Wee football and loves it. He likes to tackle and does a pretty good job. Having brothers has paid off. The first day of school came for Corbin and Carson. What a great day! They have wonderful teachers and are enjoying their classes. I spent the last week of August in Oklahoma with family. My wonderful uncle Dennis passed away and I was honored to read scripture at his service and be there for my Aunt Bonnie and cousins Jeri, Beth and Denny. My cousin Melissa flew in from Colorado and we stayed together in a hotel and had the best time talking and catching up. She really is more like a sister! I love her! She cracks me up!
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